
Lesson Plan

Worksheet 3
Growing Up

Worksheet 4
Mortified Storyboard

Worksheet 5
Leaving Primary School


Description: This sequence of learning experiences draws upon Mortified, Episodes 6, 12 and 13 to explore aspects of change, including coping with the transition from being a child to a pre-teen, the transition to secondary school, and with changes in friendships.

Year Level: Middle Years (5-9)

Curriculum Study Areas: English; The Arts; Humanities and Social Sciences; Health and Physical Education (Personal Development)

Theme/Topic: adolescence; families; self and relationships; genre; change; growth and development; narrative structure; film language; humour and satire; stereotypes


8. Hormones
9. Baby Fantasy
10. The Talk
11. Washing Up
12. Crushes
13. Being Friends
14. Memories
15. Final Day
16. Things That We Value