1. Knowing Who You Are

2. DNA Results

3. The Reaction

4. Expressing Feelings

5. Pay Back

6. Secret Girls Club

7. The Present

8. Hormones

9. Baby Fantasy

10. The Talk

11. Washing Up

12. Crushes

13. Being Friends

14. Memories

15. Final Day

16. Things That We Value

1. Mortified – Behind the Scenes Doco, Part 1

2. Mortified – Behind the Scenes Doco, Part 2

3. Taylor Speaking to Camera

4. Taylor Introducing Brittany

5. Taylor Introducing Her Mother and Her Father

6. Taylor Introducing Her Sister

7. Taylor Watching TV and Talking with the Dog

8. Taylor Interacting with Friend Hector and Sister Layla

9. Taylor, Her Sister Layla and Her Mum in the Kitchen Discussing the Year 6 Disco

10. Mortified – Behind the Scenes Doco, Getting the Part

11. Mortified Moments 1 - Similarities to Character

12. Mortified – Behind the Scenes Doco, The Look

13. Mortified - Behind the Scenes Doco, A Day on Set

14. Weird Film Name #1 'First AD'

15. Weird Film Name #2 'DOP'

16. Weird Film Name #3 'Gaffer'

17. Weird Film Name #4 'Best Boy'

18. Weird Film Name #5 'Grip'

19. Mortified - Behind the Scenes Doco, Shooting a Take

20. Mortified – Behind the Scenes Doco, Stunts

21. Mortified – Behind the Scenes Doco, Effects

22. Mortified - Behind the Scenes Doco, Fantasies and Effects

23. Intro Segment

24. Mortified - Behind the Scenes Doco, Making Characters Real

25. Taylor's Family

26. Taylor, Her Sister Layla and Her Mum in the Kitchen Discussing the Year 6 Disco

27. Taylor Requests a Parent Signature in Order to Change Her Name

28. Taylor's Mum Looking Through the Photo Album

29. Taylor's Garage Sale

30. Taylor Camps Out

31. Mortified Moments - Embarrassing Parents